Picking the Perfect Puller: Strategies for Selecting Success Use the strategies listed in this article to find your way to success at the Kentucky Invitational here: FullPull Gentlemen, welcome to Bermuda Triangle Week. What day is it? What time is it?...
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Revisiting Rock Valley: Pulling Memories from 2024 Connectivity is a great thing. We live in a world of instant data and information. If you are a junkie for notifications on whatever your passion is, if you are someone who devours...
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Tractor Pulling’s Foundation Which Class’s Roots Run Deepest? If you were to bring a friend to a national level pulling event, a pal of yours who had never seen, or potentially even been exposed to the sport of tractor pulling,...
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Thank You, Pulling. Today’s specific iteration of “This Week in Pulling” falls squarely between two significant dates. On this Monday morning, I find myself looking back and reflecting on this weekend’s celebrations and accolades of the Outlaw Truck and Tractor...
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Is this Heaven? No, it’s Pulling. Who is your favorite puller from your home state? This was a question posed by one of our content creators on the Beer Money Pulling Team social media outlets. I stewed on this for...
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